quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Stefan Stranger’s Blog

Looking for SCOM2007 Job aids, look at Stefan’s blog, it’s excellent!


VSPHERE DPM in action

This does make some sense when you have more than 2 Vsphere Servers, i have already tried it and it is a beautiful feature (green IT type), will you give it a try and save on power consuption?

SBBS “Polka on the Banjo”@FNAC Coimbra

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

Core2 Duo Overclocking Freak! I must be really dumb to do this….



This time trying to fry a second hand processor bought on Ebay, by the way the soldering worked as expected!

To my beloved GrandPa and his fantastic aviation stories



SCOM2007 R2 Reporting / ACS

Not to much to say about this except be aware how you install SCOM2007 R2 (it was the same thing in the previous version), plan wisely and install step by step in order…otherwise you’ll end up with a screwed up Reporting (i mean SCOM reporting, not the SQL SRS). The same goes for ACS, in this case this is a bit more sensitive..be cautious with DB reinstall.

The correct recipe:

Install SCOM Reporting and ACS from the beginning, the MP’s in second place always (be aware with some of them, still a bit buggy and throwing out a lot of trash in the event viewer).


By the way, monitoring ESX Servers works really great except when there are some low memory/cpu resources  (agent heartbeat will result in greyed out agent icons..ahahah)